The term ‘teeth whitening’ strictly speaking is a misnomer. This is because the natural color of teeth is never perfectly white. It is a combination of white and yellow in varying proportions. Broadly, the procedure aims at restoring the natural white color of the teeth.
Bleaching can be done by the dentist in the dental clinic or at home by various commercially available bleaching kits. However, before directly jumping to the home bleaching, it is important that a dentist be consulted. This is important since home bleaching products may not be effective or indicated for every individual. Generally, the first bleaching is done at the dental office, with the follow-up being done by the home bleaching products. However, from a safety point of view and for best results both home and office bleaching should be monitored by the dentist.
What are the reasons for yellow and discolored teeth?
Teeth present with 2 types of stains:
Extrinsic Stains: These stains are caused by
- Tea and coffee
- Cigarettes
- Pan masala and other tobacco products
- Spicy food containing lots of red chilies and turmeric
Since these stains are of exogenous origin, they can be removed by bleaching.
Intrinsic stains: These stains are of developmental origin being incorporated within the structure of the tooth. These stains are caused by factors which operate at the time when the tooth is being formed. Common factors responsible for intrinsic staining include
- Drinking of water with high fluoride content
- Ingestion of Tetracycline medication
- Injury to the tooth
Bleaching does effect these stains too but the effect varies depending on the severity of the clinical condition.
What are the benefits of teeth whitening?
There are many benefits to teeth whitening, including:
- A brighter, whiter smile
- Increased confidence
- Improved self-esteem
- A more professional appearance
- A healthier smile
What the different whitening systems?
Bleaching can be done by the dentist in the dental clinic or at home by various commercially available bleaching kits. However, before directly jumping to the home bleaching, it is important that a dentist be consulted. This is important since home bleaching products may not be effective or indicated for every individual.
Generally, the first bleaching is done at the dental office, with the follow-up being done by the home bleaching products. However, from a safety point of view and for best results both home and office bleaching should be monitored by the dentist.
Is teeth whitening safe?
Yes. Clinical studies have shown that whitening your teeth with carbamide or hydrogen peroxide under the supervision of a dental professional is extremely safe for teeth and gums.
Can I go for teeth whitening as my teeth are yellow?
Anybody desiring a healthy white smile can opt for teeth whitening treatment.
Zoom Whitening

Looking for teeth whitening in Delhi NCR? Avail our Zoom 2 advanced teeth whitening service to get a healthy, beautiful smile! With Zoom! Teeth Whitening, you can lighten your teeth up to eight shades in less than an hour.
Learn more about cosmetic dentistry
Zoom is the #1 patient-requested professional whitening treatment. In fact, you will be simply amazed with the results.

Get ready to Zoooooooom!
How does Zoom Teeth Whitening work?
The zoom! whitening procedure is simple and painless. It begins with a short preparation to isolate your lips and gums. The zoom! clinician then applies the proprietary Zoom whitening gel, which is activated by a specially designed light. Teeth typically become at least 6-8 shades whiter, sometimes even more. A five-minute fluoride treatment completes the procedure..
If you are looking for a safe and effective way to whiten your teeth, Zoom Teeth Whitening is a great option. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.
So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!
What’s the difference between OTC whitening solutions and Philips Zoom?
Over-the-counter whitening products are not customized to your needs. With Philips Zoom, the whitening process is tailored to your needs.
How long will my Zoom whitening results last?
Whitening treatments help to reduce existing stains, but through consumption of coffee, soft drinks or just through natural aging, your teeth may eventually become discolored again. Maintenance whitening can help combat recurring discoloration
How long does it take?
With Zoom in-office, you will achieve up to eight shades whiter in 45 minutes.
Are there any side effects of teeth Zoom whitening treatment?
The most common side effect is tooth sensitivity, but it goes away in 2-3 days.
How does the Zoom! In-Office System work?
The Zoom! light-activated whitening gel’s active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide. As the Hydrogen Peroxide gel is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin, bleaching colored substances while the structure of the tooth is unchanged. The Zoom! light aids in activating the Hydrogen Peroxide and helps it penetrate the surface of the tooth.
What will be the final result after teeth whitening?
The natural color of teeth is never perfectly white. It is a combination of white and yellow in varying proportions. Broadly, the whitening procedure aims at restoring the natural color of the teeth. The result varies from person to person depending on the thickness of enamel present.
With Zoom in-office, you will achieve up to eight shades whiter in 45 minutes.
What is the cost of teeth whitening in Delhi?
Teeth whitening by zoom costs about 15000 INR.
What dental care you should keep after Tooth Whitening?
Zoom! Teeth Whitening is designed to keep your teeth looking white for a long time. However, to improve the longevity of your tooth whitening, be sure to brush and floss daily.