Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Treatment

Searching for TMJ pain treatment in New Delhi/ NCR? TMJ (Temporo-mandibular joint) disorders are diseases of the joint that connect lower jaw to the skull. These TMJ problems can result from injury, aging, and poor dental behavior like frequent gum chewing, teeth grinding, and teeth clenching.
Signs and Symptoms of TM joint disorders

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms and have also experienced prolonged pain, it is highly recommended that you consult us today!
From a medical perspective, TMJ problems are classified into three main groups of disorders
1. Muscle disorders describes TMJ problems located in the muscles that control the TMJ. These disorders are often called myofacial disorders and are the most common of the TMJ disorders.
2. Joint derangement disorders are a group of TMJ problems that is caused by either: a dislocated jaw, a displaced disk, or an injured bone.
3. Degenerative joint disorders are a group of TMJ problems that is caused by degenerative changes in the joint like arthritis that destroy the cartilage that cover the TMJ and absorbs the shocks caused by such actions as chewing. Degenerative joint disorders stem from the wear and tear of the TMJ joints.
Depending on the etiology of the disorder, the range of TMJ pain treatment advised for TMJ problems range from Occlusal adjustments, TMJ splints, Night Guards, Bite guards and even surgery for extreme cases.