As the name applies, tooth socket preservation procedure is a preservative step that preserves bone that is lost (both in height and width) after a routine extraction procedure.
Why the Tooth socket preservation therapy?
Normally after an extraction, the blood fills in the extraction wound forms a clot, and later organizes into the bone. However, the bone shrinks remarkably during healing (almost 50%). Now when we plan to replace the lost tooth with an implant either the remaining bone is insufficient or we end up placing a small implant both in height and diameter. Even if a bridge is used to replace the missing tooth, the missing tooth has to be made bigger and bulkier to compensate for the missing bone.

Ideally indicated for every extraction involved.
- After the extraction is done, the socket is cleaned ,debrided and irrigated.
- An artificial bone substitute (Bone Graft) is packed into the socket.
- A special membrane is used to cover the socket opening to prevent graft spilling.
- The gum margins around the socket are stitched together and left to heal. Once healed the bone graft gets resorbed and converted to bone thereby preserving bone.
To know more about the procedure, Contact us today!