Searching for Dental implants in Delhi NCR? Welcome to Dr Garg’s Institute of Advanced Dental Implantology! Walk-in for Dental Implant…. Leave with a smile!! We specialize in placing, restoring, and maintenance of dental implant-supported crowns, bridges, and implant dentures In New Delhi area.
What are Dental Implants?
The implants themselves are tiny titanium posts, which are inserted into the jawbone where teeth are missing. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth. Small posts are then attached to the implant, which protrudes through the gums. These posts provide stable anchors for artificial replacement teeth. Dental Implants are various sizes (both width and height) for different clinical situations. They can serve as anchors for crowns, bridges, or full and/or partial dentures depending on individual need.
What are the Benefits of Implants?
- Dental Implants may be used to replace one or more missing teeth. In case of completely edentulous patients, implants may be used to fix the dentures to the underlying bone. Alternately, implants may be used to provide fixed teeth to edentulous patients without the use of dentures.
- Implant supported teeth are more comfortable than conventional dentures because there is no slipping or movement. The implants are fixed they feel and function like natural teeth. This eliminates some of the key worries of denture wearers and improves self-confidence.
- Dental implants are an alternative to conventional bridgework. They eliminate the need to prepare healthy teeth and do not place additional loads on the teeth supporting the bridge.
- Root replacement with dental implants is one of the only ways to prevent bone shrinkage after a tooth root is extracted, thereby maintaining the shape and structure of the jaw stable.
- The best remedy in situations where there are no posterior teeth or where there are no healthy natural teeth available for fixed bridge support
Brands of the Dental Implant

Titanium/Conventional Dental Implants
Installing Implants with Fixed crowns and Bridges

Implants supported Overdentures

- Conventional Denture is semi-fixed to the underlying bone with implants. So renewed confidence and improved quality of life as well
- The removable overdentures are securely clipped on top of the implant giving the strength and stability that allows you to better than with conventional dentures
- Normally remains fixed but can be removed by the patient
- Simple and relatively inexpensive (compared to implant-supported bridges)
Nobel Biocare Implants
If you are looking out for the best dental implant to replce your missing teeth, Nobel Biocare is the first brand that comes to the mind.
Nobel Biocare is the world leader in innovative implant based dental restorations. The philosophy of dental implants is built on over 65 years of continuous innovation, all stemming from Per-Ingvar Brånemark’s ground-breaking discovery of osseointegration in 1952. Since then, They have helped treat millions of patients with their science-backed and forward-looking solutions.
The company markets 2 different implants Nobel Replace and Nobel Active- catering to every indication in dental implantology ranging from immediate loading, All on four and All on six.

Dental Implants FAQs
How much are the cheapest full mouth implants
In a full mouth restoration, the cost of treatment depends upon the number and the make of the implants placed, the type of restoration opted for (metal ceramic, full ceramic crowns or dentures), need for associated procedures such as bone grafting, sinus lift or guided tissue regeneration. For these reasons, it is very difficult to offer a generalized quote. An accurate cost determination can only be done after thorough patient evaluation and the study of Cone Beam CT x ray.
How much full dental implants cost in India?
The cost of full mouth implants can vary significantly depending upon the number and the make of the implants placed, the type of restoration opted for (metal ceramic, full ceramic crowns or dentures), need for associated procedures such as bone grafting, sinus lift or guided tissue regeneration. For these reasons, it is very difficult to offer a generalized quote. An accurate cost determination can only be done after thorough patient evaluation and the study of Cone Beam CT x ray.
Are dental implants painful?
The procedure of placement of dental implants is carried out under local anesthesia, so the procedure, by itself is painless. But do expect some post-operative discomfort and pain that is perfectly controlled by the medications prescribed. Almost 90% patients report of not taking any pain killer after second post-operative day.
Can dental implants be done in one day?
Yes Using the CAD/CAM approach in ”Teeth in an hour” concept, it is now possible to place the implants and even put the crown over the implant in the same appointment.
What are the three stages of dental implants?
Stage 1: The stage where dental implant is placed at the site
Stage 2: In this stage, the implant head is exposed after the healing phase is over and impression is recorded for the crown.
Stage 3: This is the stage where the final crown is cemented over the implant.
How much does a Dental implant Cost in Delhi?
He cost of a dental implant is governed by
● The quality or the manufacturing company you opt for. The implants from prominent companies like Nobel Biocare, Straumann, Alpha bio, Osstem and Biohorizons are on the higher side of the range.
● Experience of the treating doctor.
● Associated costs like need for extraction, bone grafting, sinus lift, guided tissue regeneration etc.
● Type of crown over the implant. Metal free Zirconia crowns cost more than metal ceramic crowns.
What is the success rate of dental implants?
In the hands of an experienced surgeon, dental implants carry a success rate of over 99.5%
Once healed and successfully loaded in the mouth, the success of implants depends on how the patient uses and takes care of the implant.
Who is a good candidate for dental implants?
● Anyone in reasonable health who wants to replace missing teeth.
● Those who are dissatisfied with their current denture; Patients with dental implants don’t have to use adhesives to retain their dentures. They can talk and laugh without feeling self-conscious and without fear of their dentures slipping out. All these improvements make people with dentures feel better about themselves increasing their self-confidence while improving their social and business lives.
● Age is not a limitation for Dental Implant treatment.
● Patients that have had implants placed eat better, eat foods that they have been denied before, are more comfortable when they eat.
Do implants require special maintenance?
No, dental implants require the same care as real teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental bullet-ups.
Which brand of implant should I opt for?
An important choice that the patient must make during dental implant treatment is the brand of The implant. This become slightly confusing with the number of options available. In such a case, it is better to go with your dentist’s recommendations since he/she would be offering you the service in the long term. The budget obviously plays an important consideration. Some notable brands commonly used in Indian markets include Alpha bio, Adin, Nobel Biocare, Biohorizons, Osstem and Straumann.
What to do in cases where bone volume does not support implants?
Modern dentistry has gifted us new techniques to augment missing bone. We can increase both the height and width of bone by using bone substitutes called Bone grafts. We can even use grafting techniques to prevent the loss of bone in circumstances where bone would normally be lost like the extraction of a tooth.
What is the cost of dental implant?
The cost of a dental implant varies according to the brand you opt for and the specific clinical situation (need for extraction, bone grafts, sinus lift procedure etc).
The cost is slightly more than that of a bridge or other traditional tooth replacement options. Also, Implants cannot get cavities or other diseases that natural teeth are susceptible to. This means that it can potentially last for a much longer than a bridge would. So Implants cut down on replacement costs over time.
Zirconium Implants
Zirconia implants are non-metal alternative to conventional implants which are made of Titanium.
Zirconium Implants FAQs
Are Zirconia implants actually metal free?
Zirconia is the crystal form of Zirconium metal. Its chemical structure closely resembles that of a diamond. To give it a tooth like color, its color and appearance are slightly altered. Zirconia implants are thus considered “metal free”. It combines the strength of metal with the heat-resistant power of ceramic.
Whart are the benefits of Zirconia Dental Implants?
Most of the benefits of zirconia implants come from the material’s properties. Metal has some potentially harmful properties that ceramic simply doesn’t.
● Superior Aesthetics: Zirconium Implants are white colored and therefore superior to Titanium implants which often cause silver tinting of the gums. Also Zirconia implants are more gum friendly compared to titanium.
● Hypoallergenic: For those, allergic to titanium, Zirconium implants are the material of choice since Zirconia is a hypoallergenic material.
● Better oral Hygiene: Being a ceramic material, surface finish of zirconia implants is much better than Titanium. Therefore, it becomes very difficult for dental plaque to hold on to it.
● High strength and decent fracture resistance.
What are the challenges with Ceramic Implants?
● Limited clinical indications for usage: The clinical indications are limited compared to titanium implants. The current use of ceramic implants as a solution for tooth loss is mainly for single tooth replacement and bridge cases in the anterior part of the mouth.
● Predominantly available as single piece implants that limits usage where angulated abutments might be needed.
● Cost factor: Ceramic implants definitely cost more than the titanium implants. Limited use is an important factor in the high price of these ceramic implants. With all the above limitations, Zirconia implants are not as popular as titanium implants. However, Zirconium definitely is the future of dental implants.
How long do zirconia implants last?
When placed according to recommended indications, the life of Zirconia implants is comparable to that of titanium implants. Zirconia’s biocompatibility, favorable tissue response and superior aesthetics make it the material of choice but there is still a lack of long term studies on the longevity of Zirconia dental implants.
Is zirconia cheaper than titanium?
Presently, the use of Zirconia for making dental implants is relatively new and very limited compared to titanium, making it very expensive compared to titanium implants. However, as the usage rises and the production is on mass scale, the costs are definitely bound to come down.
What is the disadvantage of zirconia implants?
Currently, zirconia implants available have limited indications of usage. Also, zirconia implants can crack particularly in high humidity conditions.
What is the success rate of zirconia implants?
Studies have demonstrated a success rate of 95-98% for zirconia implants. However, the long term studies on success rate Zirconia implants are still very limited compared to titanium.
If you are searching for a zirconium implant specialist in Delhi or to know more about Zirconium implants, Contact our dental implant specialist today!
Basal Dental Implants
Dr Garg’s Dental Centre specializes in the placement and restoration of basal implants in Delhi NCR.
The technique involves immediate placement and immediate loading of special implants called Basal dental implants. The treatment from placement of implants to fitting of crowns has to be mandatorily completed in 72 hrs. Conventional implants are placed in spongy (soft) bone, these are anchored in the cortical bone (hardest bone). This makes the implants highly stable and suitable for immediate loading.

Basal Dental Implants FAQs
What are the benefits of Basal Dental Implants?
These Implants follow the protocol of immediate loading unlike conventional implants (which need a healing time of 3 to 6 months before the actual crown can be placed).
● Basal implants are single piece structures made of biocompatible titanium alloy which eliminates the instances of abutment loosening seen in conventional implants.
● They can be placed in “no bone” cases which in normal routine would need extensive bone augmentation procedures using bone grafts. This not only increases the cost but also the time duration during which the patient has to stay without teeth.
● They have been demonstrated to be successful even in patient with severe periodontal diseases. These implants can be immediately placed and loaded even in periodontal cases.
● They are indicated even in smokers and those with controlled diabetes.
● Since basal implants are smooth surfaced, the incidence of peri-implantitis or infection around the implant is almost negligible.
● The dental implants are placed with a least invasive flapless technique, so the post-operative recovery is quick.
What is basal implants in dentistry?
Basal Implants is a different concept in the field of dental implants that advocates placement of implants in the basal bone and loading them immediately. Since the basal bone is always present irrespective of the resorption status of the jaw bone, these implants can be placed even in the “no bone” cases without the need of any bone augmentation procedures.
How long do basal implants last?
Placed and loaded according to recommended guidelines, basal implants can last equivalent to conventional dental implants.
How successful is basal implants?
In the hands of trained and experienced dental implantologist, basal implants enjoy a very high success rate.
How much does basal implant cost in India?
The cost varies on a case to case basis depending on the difficulty of the procedure, type and brand of the company whose implant is used. Roughly, on anaverage it can vary from 25,00 to 40,000 per implant.
Which is better basal implant or conventional implant?
Each of these techniques have their own merits and demerits. While basal implants can be immediately loaded, conventional implants need a healing period of 3-6 months. There is no need for grafts or bone augmentation procedure in Basal implantology. The aesthetic results with conventional implants exceed far than those produced with basal.
Is Basal available in India?
Yes, basal implants are freely available and used by a number of dentists in India.
Where is a basal implant placed?
Basal implants are placed in basal bone. Basal bone is that part of jaw bone that is present below the tooth sockets in which the teeth are fixed in the jaw bone. This part of bone is resistant to resorption and is always present even in the advance cases of bone resorption.
How deep do basal implants go?
The depth of basal implants is not important. What important is that the basal implants should derive their anchorage or primary support from the basal bone. If the basal implant is not anchored in basal bone, it will fail on loading.
To find out more about Basal Implants treatment in Delhi and whether they are for you, schedule a consultation with our specialists today!