With people getting more and more conscious about their looks, Cosmetic dental surgery is gaining popularity. Some common dental conditions easily correctable by such surgery are
Gummy Smile

This can be a significant aesthetic dilemma for many patients. The condition usually presents as incomplete exposure of crown portion of the tooth and a high lip line, which causes a “gummy smile”. The cause is delayed migration of the gum margin apically during eruption. When full exposure of the crown portion of the tooth is achieved using cosmetic dental surgery, there is dramatic improvement in esthetics by the concomitant lengthening of the teeth and reduction of the gingival exposure.

Gingival depigmentation

If you are conscious of your smile due to the blackish appearance of the gums instead of the normal coral pink color, consider yourself to be a candidate for this cosmetic procedure.
The condition is caused by excessive presence of certain pigment producing cells called melanocytes in the gum tissue. The treatment simply involves scraping of the superficial layer of the gum to remove the pigmentation. The results are evident within 7 days of healing.
This can also be done using a Laser-no bleeding swelling or pain!
Receding gum tissue
Worried about your receding gum tissue? Relax. With the recent advances in cosmetic dentistry it is now possible to cover the tooth area exposed by recession.