Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment: Procedure and Advantages

Root Canal Treatment is a very common dental procedure performed to relieve a tooth of infection/pain or both. The procedure aims to save a tooth which otherwise would have to be taken out.

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Dental Implants for Seniors. Costs | Benefits

Deterioration in the condition of teeth is natural with aging process. The presence of associated medical conditions particularly diabetes further complicates the condition. Also maintenance of oral health also takes a hit. All these lead to deterioration in the condition of gums and teeth and ultimately tooth loss.

Previously dentures were easily accepted by elderly as it was the only solution available. However, today with the advent of dental implants, more and more people want to opt for dental implants to restore their smile and chewing ability.

Dental implants offer a permanent fixed solution to the problem of missing teeth.

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Ear and Jaw Pain on One Side? It Could Be TMJ

Having jaw pain is very common. Jaw pain may be felt as a dull pain or throbbing ache or stiffness in your joint in the area just in front of the ears. Depending on the underlying cause the pain might be mild or severe.

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Ceramic Crowns: Types, Procedure & Care

Ceramic crowns are a common treatment modality in dentistry. A crown may be used to cover and protect existing tooth structure.  A combination of crowns (dental bridge) is used to replace one or more missing teeth.

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Dental Implants: An Affordable Tooth Replacement Solution

Dental Implants is a highly popular treatment modality used for replacing missing teeth.

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Uneven Teeth? 5 Effective Cosmetic Solutions You NEED to Know

A smile is the first thing that people notice about you. Having a healthy white bright smile can boost your self-confidence and can be a valuable asset.

Since teeth are an important component of smile, a smile of a person having even, symmetrical teeth appear harmonious. On the other hand, the smile of people with broken uneven, crowded or chipped teeth does not appear that aesthetic.

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What is a Sinus Lift and Why is it Important for Dental Implants?

A dental implant needs sufficient bone width and height for anchorage in the bone. However there are many clinical situations where adequate amount of bone might not be available. In such cases, a sinus lift procedure is advised along with dental implant procedure for upper posterior teeth implant.

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Teeth Implant – Procedure, Types and Cost Associated

A teeth implant is basically a titanium screw that is surgically placed in the jaw bone. It serves as a replacement for the root portion of the tooth. Dental Implants are indicated to replace one, few to all teeth in the jaw.

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Reasons Why Consider India For Your Dental Tourism

When it comes to choosing a destination for dental tourism, India is among the most preferred country. Though a bit far located from Europe and America, India enjoys a favorable spot when it comes to medical or dental tourism. Thousands for medical/dental tourists visit different parts of India for a plethora of treatments.

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