Halitosis commonly called Bad Breath is a symptom in which an unpleasant odor is noticeable in the exhaled breath. The odor might be persistent or periodic. It is the third most common cause for which people seek dental care after tooth decay and gum diseases.
The causes of halitosis are:
1. Intraoral causes
Most of the cases of have their origin within the mouth. Improper oral hygiene leaves food particles
- in between teeth,
- in pockets between teeth and gums
- on the posterior part of the tongue.
- Areas of tooth decay
- Recent extraction wounds
- Unclean dentures
- Oral ulcerations
The bacteria present in the mouth breakdown the protein content of food to produce volatile sulfur compounds like hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan which in turn produce fouls breath.
2. Sinus and Tonsils
Infections of the sinus and tonsils and even lower respiratory infections are the second major cause.
3. Odors Secretion within Body
Certain types of odors are secreted in breath from aromatic substances in the bloodstream such as the odor of diabetes and uremic breath that accompanies kidney dysfunction.
4. Food Habits, Smoking, Alcohol
External factors as eating onions, garlic, smoking, and consuming alcohol also cause bad breath.
Halitosis Care, Prevention & its Treatment
The most important part in treating halitosis is the proper diagnosis of the cause. When the cause is poor oral hygiene, restoration of oral health by the dentist produces immediate results. Bad breath resulting from chronic sinusitis may be a recurring problem, especially if it is caused by a structural abnormality of the sinuses. Halitosis results from a systemic illness may be a long-term problem that can often be controlled with proper medical care.
Maintain proper oral hygiene by
- Brushing, at least twice daily
- Flossing
- Tongue cleaning: with a toothbrush, tongue cleaner, or tongue brush/scraper to wipe off the bacterial biofilm, debris, and mucus.
- Mouth rinsing,
- A regular visit to the dentist