cost of Invisalign or Invisible Braces so high

Why is the cost of Invisalign or Invisible Braces so high?

There was a time when orthodontic treatment was limited to kids. Although many adult patients were interested in correcting their teeth alignment, the option of fixed braces was not at all appealing to them. Braces interfered with their normal social and professional life.

cost of Invisalign or Invisible Braces so high

This problem was solved with the advent of Clear Aligners. Aligners are removable clear plastic trays that are hardly seen. They can be removed for few hours if you wish not to wear them at any social event.

Another major concern for many patients is that they want to know how exactly their teeth would like after the treatment. Since the planning of fabrication of clear aligners is purely CAD/CAM, it is possible to show the exact degree of correction that aligners would achieve at the completion of case. This is a very important motivating tool for many patients.

Why Aligners are more expensive than normal braces?

However, compared to normal braces Aligners are slightly more expensive. This is because

  • Aligners are made up of special plastics which have elasticity and cleared for use in the mouth.
  • Aligner planning is done using sophisticated software and machines.
  • Aligner treatment is comparatively easy for the patient. There is no need for regular visit to the dentist. Plus the aligners are removeable, so can be removed for short time periods.
  • There is no need for any alteration in food habits or food restriction as with fixed braces.
  • There is no issue of injury to lips and cheeks with aligners.
  • Predictability of the results is a very big advantage. If the aligner wear routine is followed, results are 100% assured.

Previously Invisalign used to be the only aligner company in the market but now many more companies have come up with a similar product.

Ready to transform your smile?

We understand you have questions! Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how clear aligners can transform your smile.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation with an orthodontist today!

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